CEEQ design helps product designer, entrepreneur to bring their idea into reality.
Transforming an idea into a manufacturable product. We provide inside on the technique to be used and are able to take a step back and look at the big picture to see what is required and what is the next step and define a plan of action.
If you are a growing small business with software developer, data analyst, electronic engineer, mechanical engineer, it is not always easy to get everyone working as a team and for the business to run smoothly. We are happy to share our experience to help your engineering projects run smoothly. We can advise you on suitable management styles and version control strategies, identifying critical interfaces in your system, assessing and documenting your existing system and even help you manage your team effectively.
CEEQ design can help you reverse engineer some of your products when you have lost the knowledge about the design.
Being multi-disciplinary engineers, registered as Chartered Engineer, we can help you with all your mechatronics needs, ensuring your goal remains the more important element and is reach in an effective manner.